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Exciting News at Perception Eye Care

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Perception Eyecare is happy to announce that we have launched a new app to make our client’s lives easier. With this app, you are able to order contact lenses and book appointments with the click of a button. It’s as simple as that! We can also send reminders of your upcoming appointments to you via text message.

The app is currently available on the Apple Store but don’t worry Android users, it will soon be available on the Google Play store too. Until then, you can access the app through the link below.

In the App store search Contact Lenses GET SIGHTLY and once you have it downloaded, search for Perception Eyecare.

Once you have our office up, you are able to start ordering and booking appointments for you and all of your family members.

Contact lenses can be shipped directly to your house for your convenience, or you can order them for pick up at our Stoney Creek office.

It’s fast, convenient, and FREE!

To get started, click below to make an account:

If you have any questions or need assistance creating an account, contact our office at 289 309-1090 or and one of our knowledgeable staff members will be able to assist you.

#contactlenses #optometrist #stoneycreek #ladybosses #convenient #appstore #apple

Written by Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

Dr. Jasjeet Shinger has an Honours Bachelor of Science degree and completed her Doctorate of Optometry with honours at the University of Waterloo. While attaining her Doctorate in Optometry, Dr. Shinger worked with a binocular vision and pediatric specialist during her clinical externship, which helped her gain a keen interest in helping patients manage binocular vision deficiencies that can affect learning.
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