Children’s Eye Exams in Stoney Creek

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Leading Eye Care & Vision Protection For Your Children

Perception Eyecare is dedicated to improving ocular health and vision for children of all ages. We strive to ensure every child who visits our practice receives the highest-quality care possible. Our experienced team is accustomed to helping children with various needs, and we’re prepared to handle a wide range of childhood eye concerns.

Why Does My Child Need an Eye Exam?

Just like adults, children need regular eye exams to maintain their ocular health and vision. A comprehensive eye exam can diagnose numerous vision problems and eye diseases, giving your family time to treat or manage them early.

Some vision problems can be miscategorized as behavioural disorders or learning disabilities. Children may also not know they have vision problems—especially if they’ve had those problems since birth and have never experienced healthy vision.

80% of childhood learning occurs visually, so routine eye exams can prevent vision problems from holding your child back in school. Children should have their first annual eye exam when they are 6-9 months old (or earlier, if parents are worried about their vision).

During the exam, your child’s optometrist will ask questions and run tests to look for visual problems or ocular health risks. They will then recommend appropriate methods for treating or managing these conditions so you can keep your child’s eyes protected.

What Takes Place During Children’s Eye Exams?

When your child comes in for their eye exam, we:

  • Assess their risk factors for various health and vision problems by asking questions about their medical history (including family medical history).
  • Run visual acuity, refraction, and binocular vision tests, as well as tests to measure their general eye health.
  • Recommend and prescribe any necessary medication or vision correction devices.
  • Teach you and your child strategies for protecting their vision and ocular health.
  • Address any additional concerns you or your child may have.

Remember to bring your child’s current glasses or contact lenses to their eye exam. Bringing these items will make it easier for us to prescribe replacements for them if necessary.

Strong & Healthy Vision For Your Children

Regular comprehensive eye exams play a vital role in your child’s safety, comfort, and readiness for success. The staff at Perception Eyecare knows how to keep your child comfortable and relaxed during their exam so that we can test them accurately and find the solutions they need.

Give your child the gift of healthy and effective eyes. Contact us and book their first appointment today.

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Our Location in Stoney Creek

Where to Find Us?

You can find Perception Eyecare in the Southmount Health Care Centre in the Fortinos Plaza.

Where To Park?

We’re located in a standalone health centre with ample free parking on 3 sides of the building.

Our Address

35 Upper Centennial Parkway,
Unit 1B

Stoney Creek, ON L8J 3W2

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

11 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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Eye Topography

Eye Care

Eye Topography

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Eye topography, also known as corneal topography, is a tool used to map the curvature and shape of the cornea (the front transparent surface of the eye). This mapping provides detailed information about the corneal surface, allowing optometrists to diagnose and manage various eye conditions such as astigmatism, keratoconus and irregular corneas.  Topography works by […]

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