Myopia Control in Stoney Creek

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Myopia Control for People of All Ages

Myopia is on the rise among Canadian children, making it harder for them to clearly see distant objects. Since 80% of childhood learning happens visually, myopia control is vital for helping children develop effectively. However, myopia can also affect adults and should always be taken seriously since it increases a person’s likelihood of developing more severe eye conditions.

Perception Eyecare is ready to help patients with myopia management at every stage of life. Our eye doctors can provide numerous options for slowing myopia’s progression and limiting its effects.

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What Is Myopia?

Myopia occurs when a person’s eye slowly becomes longer over time. When this happens, the light that enters the eye can no longer focus properly on the retina, and distant objects appear out of focus.

Myopia generally worsens as a person ages and requires more powerful lens prescriptions to compensate for its effects. High myopia (a more severe form) is connected to several other problems that can cause permanent vision loss, including detached retinas and cataracts.

The best way to detect myopia in its early stages is to schedule routine eye exams for children and adults at least once a year. Once we have diagnosed you with myopia, we can recommend various methods for controlling it.

Axial Length Measurements

The axial length of your eye includes the anterior chamber depth, vitreous chamber depth, and lens thickness. The length of each of these aspects can increase the effect myopia can have on your vision.

To make sure we are helping you manage your myopia, we monitor your axial length and your visual acuity.

  • Blurry vision while looking at faraway objects
  • Having to squint for clear vision
  • Headaches brought on by eye strain
  • Trouble seeing clearly when driving in dark conditions
  • Difficulty focusing on blackboards in classrooms or lecture halls (this is often the first red flag for myopia in school-aged children)

What Can I Do About Myopia?

At Perception Eyecare, we can help children and adults control myopia in several ways. After performing axial length measurements the severity of your myopia, we may recommend any of the following approaches:

  • Soft multifocal contact lenses: these lenses can help reduce the rate at which the eye elongates, slowing down the progression of myopia. Your eye doctor will perform a contact lens fitting to determine the best lenses for your eyes and give you detailed instructions on how to use and care for them.
  • MiyoSmart lenses: these spectacle lenses are specially designed for managing myopia progression. These lenses feature peripheral defocus rings around the centre of the lens, which helps focus light just in front of your peripheral retina, sending a signal to the eye that slows down myopia progression.
  • Low-dose atropine eye drops: 0.01% atropine eye drops have been clinically proven to help slow the progression of myopia. Patients generally only need to apply 1 drop a day to get the full benefit of this treatment.
  • MiSight Lenses: similar to MiyoSmart lenses, MiSight specialty contact lenses are designed with peripheral defocus rings around the centre of the lens. These rings help focus light just in front of the peripheral retina, signaling the eye to slow down myopia progression.
  • Orthokeratology: this process (also known as Ortho-K) uses specially designed contact lenses to gradually reshape your eye as you sleep. Your eye doctor will assess your retinas and general ocular health, then map your corneas with a topographer and create custom lenses for your eyes. Research shows that Ortho-K can be an effective way to slow down myopia in children.

Ask Us About Myopia Control

The sooner a person is diagnosed with myopia, the more they can do to control it. Book an eye exam for yourself or your child if you suspect that myopia may be an issue, and let us provide you with appropriate guidance.

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Our Location in Stoney Creek

Where to Find Us?

You can find Perception Eyecare in the Southmount Health Care Centre in the Fortinos Plaza.

Where To Park?

We’re located in a standalone health centre with ample free parking on 3 sides of the building.

Our Address

35 Upper Centennial Parkway,
Unit 1B

Stoney Creek, ON L8J 3W2

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Hours of Operation

11 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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