Digital Eye Strain in Stoney Creek

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What Are the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain?

The following symptoms are associated with DES:

  • Frequent or ongoing headaches
  • Blurry vision during or after using a digital device
  • Dry or irritated eyes
  • Eye fatigue, even after resting

How Does Digital Eye Strain Happen?

Screen Time & Eye Fatigue

Staring at nearby objects for prolonged periods makes the muscles that focus your eyes work harder. Exerting these muscles for too long can lead to soreness and exhaustion elsewhere in the face, head, and neck.

Most digital displays emit a specific wavelength of light called blue light, which also exists in the sun’s rays. Blue light is one kind of High Energy Visible (HEV) light, which is next to ultraviolet (UV light) on the light spectrum. Since UV light is associated with numerous health concerns, a growing body of research is also investigating the potential adverse effects of too much exposure to blue light.

Current knowledge shows that blue light is harder for the eyes to focus than regular light. As such, prolonged blue light exposure is more likely to cause digital eye strain than exposure to lower wavelengths. Blue light may also impact a person’s circadian rhythms, which can affect their ability to sleep restfully.

How Can I Reduce Digital Eye Strain?

People who experience DES may benefit from the following tools and techniques:

  • Reduce fatigue during long periods of screen use by observing the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes, choose an object roughly 20 feet away and focus on it for 20 seconds. Changing your focus this way allows your eye muscles to relax and can reduce the discomfort associated with DES.
  • People seeking relief from DES may also benefit from using specialty eyewear designed to filter out blue light. Talk to one of our team members about computer glasses that can increase your comfort while working with digital devices.

Giving up computers and smartphones isn’t an option for most people, but that doesn’t mean DES is inevitable. If you are starting to experience discomfort while using your devices, get in touch with our practice and let us help.

Contact Us

Our Location in Stoney Creek

Where to Find Us?

You can find Perception Eyecare in the Southmount Health Care Centre in the Fortinos Plaza.

Where To Park?

We’re located in a standalone health centre with ample free parking on 3 sides of the building.

Our Address

35 Upper Centennial Parkway,
Unit 1B

Stoney Creek, ON L8J 3W2

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

11 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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