Emergency Eye Care in Stoney Creek

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What Constitutes an Eye Emergency?

An eye emergency occurs whenever there is an urgent risk to your ocular health or vision. Since eye emergencies are time-sensitive, you should contact your optometrist immediately.

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What Are Some Examples of Eye Emergencies?

  • Sudden loss of vision (either partial or complete)
  • Sudden appearance of floaters, flashes, and blurry patches over large areas of your vision
  • Abrupt or intense pain in one or both eyes
  • Unexpected headaches or dizziness
  • Acute inflammation in the vicinity of one or both eyes

What to Do in an Eye Emergency

Eye emergencies cannot wait. Find professional medical care right away if you or someone you know is experiencing an eye emergency.

Perception Eyecare can assist with a wide variety of eye emergencies. We also schedule follow-up exams to aid in the smooth recovery of anyone who comes to us for emergency eye care.

If you are unsure whether your situation is an eye emergency, assume that it is and act quickly. Call us at (289) 309-1090 or visit our location at 35 Upper Centennial Pkwy, Unit 1B, Stoney Creek, ON, so we can provide you with assistance. If you’re unable to see us, go to the closest emergency room.

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Our Location in Stoney Creek

Where to Find Us?

You can find Perception Eyecare in the Southmount Health Care Centre in the Fortinos Plaza.

Where To Park?

We’re located in a standalone health centre with ample free parking on 3 sides of the building.

Our Address

35 Upper Centennial Parkway,
Unit 1B

Stoney Creek, ON L8J 3W2

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

11 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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Do Eyeglasses Make Your Eyes Weaker?

Eye Care

Do Eyeglasses Make Your Eyes Weaker?

Eye Care

If you wear glasses or are thinking about getting them, you might have heard the rumor that glasses can make your eyes weaker. Let’s break it down so you can understand the truth! What Do Glasses Do? Glasses are made to help your eyes focus better. Some people are nearsighted, which means they can see […]

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January 14, 2025
Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

If you wear glasses or are thinking about getting them, you might have heard the rumor that glasses can make your eyes weaker. Let’s break it down so you can understand the truth! What Do Glasses Do? Glasses are made to help your eyes focus better. Some people are nearsighted, which means they can see […]

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Do Carrots Really Help Your Eyes?

Eye Care

Do Carrots Really Help Your Eyes?

Eye Care

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Eat your carrots, they’re good for your eyes!” But is that really true? Do carrots actually help improve your vision, or is this just a myth? Let’s dive into the facts. Why Are Carrots Considered Good for Your Eyes? Carrots are packed with a nutrient called beta-carotene, which is a […]

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December 12, 2024
Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Eat your carrots, they’re good for your eyes!” But is that really true? Do carrots actually help improve your vision, or is this just a myth? Let’s dive into the facts. Why Are Carrots Considered Good for Your Eyes? Carrots are packed with a nutrient called beta-carotene, which is a […]

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What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

Eye Care

What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

Eye Care

As your eye doctor, I often get asked, “What does 20/20 vision mean?” Let me explain it simply! When you have 20/20 vision, it means you can see clearly at 20 feet what most people with normal eyesight can see at that same distance. It’s a way of measuring how sharp your vision is. So, […]

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November 13, 2024
Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

As your eye doctor, I often get asked, “What does 20/20 vision mean?” Let me explain it simply! When you have 20/20 vision, it means you can see clearly at 20 feet what most people with normal eyesight can see at that same distance. It’s a way of measuring how sharp your vision is. So, […]

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