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Coloured Contact Lenses for Halloween: Pros and Cons

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Thinking about adding some extra “wow” to your Halloween costume with coloured contact lenses? They can be a fun way to transform your look, but it’s important to know the pros and cons before you try them.


  • Cool Look: Coloured contacts can completely change your eye color or give you a spooky, unique appearance, making your costume stand out.
  • Safe if Prescribed: When you get them from your eye doctor, they’re safe to use and fit your eyes correctly.


  • Not Always Comfortable: If the lenses don’t fit well or aren’t from a trusted source, they can feel uncomfortable or even painful.
  • Risk of Infection: Wearing contacts that aren’t properly cleaned or prescribed can lead to eye infections or other serious problems.

Always get coloured contacts from an Hamilton eye doctor, not just a costume store. This way, you can have fun and keep your eyes healthy at the same time! Call or text our office at (289) 309-1090 to schedule a contact lens fitting at Perception Eyecare!

Written by Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

Dr. Jasjeet Shinger has an Honours Bachelor of Science degree and completed her Doctorate of Optometry with honours at the University of Waterloo. While attaining her Doctorate in Optometry, Dr. Shinger worked with a binocular vision and pediatric specialist during her clinical externship, which helped her gain a keen interest in helping patients manage binocular vision deficiencies that can affect learning.
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