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How Ozempic Can Affect Your Eyes

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Ozempic is a medication often used to help control blood sugar, especially for people with diabetes. While it’s great for managing sugar levels, it can sometimes cause changes in your eyes, particularly if you already have an eye condition called diabetic retinopathy. This is when the small blood vessels in the eyes get damaged due to high blood sugar.

When taking Ozempic, some patients may notice their vision getting blurry or changing. If this happens, it’s important to visit your Stoney Creek eye doctor right away. Let your Stoney creek optometrist know if you’re taking Ozempic so they can keep a close watch on your eye health.

Your eyes are important, and regular check-ups will help catch any problems early! Call or text our office at 289-309-1090 to book your eye exam now. 

Written by Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

Dr. Jasjeet Shinger has an Honours Bachelor of Science degree and completed her Doctorate of Optometry with honours at the University of Waterloo. While attaining her Doctorate in Optometry, Dr. Shinger worked with a binocular vision and pediatric specialist during her clinical externship, which helped her gain a keen interest in helping patients manage binocular vision deficiencies that can affect learning.
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