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Did you know that your vision can be corrected while you’re sleeping?

Ortho-k lenses are custom designed rigid contact lenses that reshape the cornea (front part of the eye), correcting your prescription and thereby eliminating the need for glasses or contacts during the day.

This non-surgical procedure is a safe and effective treatment that can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. It’s a great alternative to laser vision correction for those who are not ready for surgery.

Dr. Casthoory Viswanathan will examine the retina and the health of the outside of the eye. Topography images will be taken to assist the doctor with how your cornea is shaped. The information from corneal mapping, size of the cornea, and the prescription you need to correct your vision will be used to design the unique retainer lens needed in orthokeratology.1

Orthokeratology is also an effective treatment method used in myopia control for children whose myopia is progressing very quickly.

Our Stoney Creek optometrists will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding this treatment during your eye exam.
1. (2020). [online] Available at:

Book your consult today to see if you are a good candidate for ortho-k.

Call 289 309-1090 to book your appointment today!

Written by Dr. Casthoory Viswanathan

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