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Spotlight on I-Drop PUR

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I-Drop PUR is a type of preservative-free lubricating eye drop for relief of mild-moderate dry eyes. It helps to relieve symptoms like sandy and gritty feeling, a foreign-body sensation, irritation, and redness. 

Why We Love I-Drop PUR:

  1. Preservative-Free: No preservatives so less irritation, and healthier for the surface of the eye. Great option for those who have sensitive eyes and for those who use several drops per day. 
  2. Guaranteed Sterile: Bottles have a one-way valve to dispense one sterile drop at a time, and ensure no re-entering of product back in. Has an anti-bacterial tip to ensure safe, sterile delivery of each drop.
  3. Use for 1 year: Can be used for up to 12 months after bottle has been opened
  4. Contact lens compatible: Approved for contact lens wearers
  5. Relieves Discomfort: Contains hyaluronan and glycerin which allow for longer lasting relief and superior comfort

It is important to consult with an eye care professional before starting any eye drop treatment, especially for chronic conditions.

Are you suffering from dry eye symptoms? Contact our clinic to speak with one of our doctors about how I-Drop PUR can help you feel better!  289-309-1090

Written by Dr. Casthoory Viswanathan

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