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What is an OCT?

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An OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) is a medical imaging test that provides detailed, cross-sectional images of the various structures within the eye, including the retina, the macula, and the optic nerve. It is a non-invasive test that is often performed during an eye exam with an optometrist.

The OCT test is performed by having the patient sit in front of the machine and placing their chin on a rest. The optometrist will then position the machine so that it is centered over the eye being tested. The machine will emit a beam of light into the eye and the reflected light will be captured and used to create detailed images of the various structures within the eye.

One of the key benefits of an OCT test is that it provides much more detailed and accurate images of the eye’s internal structures compared to other imaging tests, such as traditional fundus photography. This allows the optometrist to more easily identify any potential problems or abnormalities within the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal detachment.

Another benefit of the OCT test is that it is completely non-invasive and does not require any special preparation or recovery time. The test is quick and painless, taking just a few minutes to complete, and the results are immediately available for the optometrist to review and interpret. In conclusion, the OCT test is a valuable tool for optometrists in their assessment of the health of the eye. If you are due for an eye exam, be sure to ask your optometrist if an OCT test is appropriate for you. Call us at (289) 309-1090 to schedule an appointment with our Stoney creek eye doctors today!

Written by Dr. Jasjeet Shinger

Dr. Jasjeet Shinger has an Honours Bachelor of Science degree and completed her Doctorate of Optometry with honours at the University of Waterloo. While attaining her Doctorate in Optometry, Dr. Shinger worked with a binocular vision and pediatric specialist during her clinical externship, which helped her gain a keen interest in helping patients manage binocular vision deficiencies that can affect learning.
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