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Eye Topography

Eye topography, also known as corneal topography, is a tool used to map the curvature and shape of the cornea (the front transparent surface of the eye). This mapping provides detailed information about the corneal surface, allowing optometrists to diagnose and manage various eye conditions such as astigmatism, keratoconus and irregular corneas.  Topography works by […]

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Axial Length

Axial length is the distance between the front (cornea) and back of the eye (retina). The condition myopia involves the elongation of the eyeball. Slowing down or controlling this elongation can help manage myopia progression in children.   Regular axial length measurements allow optometrists to track changes in eye length over time. This is crucial […]

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Contact Lens Hygiene

Proper contact lens hygiene is crucial for maintaining healthy eyes and preventing eye infections.  Here are some important guidelines to follow as a contact lens wearer: By following these guidelines for contact lens hygiene, you can help minimize the risk of eye infections and maintain healthy eyes. If you ever experience any discomfort, redness, reduced […]

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UV Rays & Your Eyes

UV (ultraviolet) rays can have both short-term and long-term effects on your eyes, potentially increasing your risk of developing some eye conditions, such as cataracts. That’s one reason why wearing sunglasses is so important. Short Term Effects: Photokeratitis This is a sunburn of the cornea. When you have photokeratitis, the symptoms you may experience include: […]

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Magic Glasses: See the World Change with Photochromic Lenses at Perception Eyecare!

Ever wish your glasses could be like magical mood rings, changing colors with the sun? Well, get ready to meet the superheroes of eyewear – photochromic lenses! And guess what? You can find these enchanting glasses at Perception Eyecare! So, what’s the big deal with photochromic lenses? Picture this: you step outside into the bright […]

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