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Category: Eye Care

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Miyosmart Lenses for Myopia Control in Stoney Creek

MiyoSmart is a new spectacle lens made by Hoya. It uses its award winning D.I.M.S (Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments) technology to help reduce myopia progression. Based on two year clinical trials Miyosmart can curb myopia progression in children by an average of 60%! They are an effective non invasive solution to help treat myopia. The […]

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Did you know that your vision can be corrected while you’re sleeping? Ortho-k lenses are custom designed rigid contact lenses that reshape the cornea (front part of the eye), correcting your prescription and thereby eliminating the need for glasses or contacts during the day. This non-surgical procedure is a safe and effective treatment that can […]

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Is Your Child or Teenager Student Struggling in School?

Vision related learning problems are a lot more common than most teachers and parents realize. It is estimated that 80% of children with learning difficulties have a undiagnosed visual problem. Since the majority of children’s learning is vision based (especially post COVID-19) with the majority of school work being done on screens any visual issues could […]

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