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Category: Eye Care

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Farnsworth D15

The Farnsworth D15 is an in depth test to detect colour vision deficiencies. The test includes different discs of colours which you will be asked to arrange in the correct order. Those with colour deficiencies will have difficulties arranging these discs and make mistakes. These mistakes are recorded on a score sheet template. Based on […]

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Eyesight Matters: The Importance of Regular Eye Examss

Maintaining good eye health is essential to preserve our sight and quality of life. Eye exams not only detect vision problems but also can identify underlying health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and even brain tumors. Regular eye exams can help diagnose these health problems early, allowing for prompt treatment, and potentially saving […]

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What is an OCT?

An OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) is a medical imaging test that provides detailed, cross-sectional images of the various structures within the eye, including the retina, the macula, and the optic nerve. It is a non-invasive test that is often performed during an eye exam with an optometrist. The OCT test is performed by having the […]

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Introducing the First Generation of SMART GLASSES from Ray Ban!

The world is evolving and so are your sunglasses. The latest sunglasses from Ray Ban now integrate the best features of your phone.  Dual 5MP Camera Take photos and videos hands free Touch Control Using a touchpad, pause music and take photos or record videos Audio Speakers that capture sound with high quality for calls […]

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