What is Astigmatism?
Astigmatism means that your eye is not shaped like a perfectly shaped circle like a basketball, but has imperfection curvatures on the cornea or the lens of an eye so shaped more like a football. How do I see if I have uncorrected astigmatism? Since the shape of the eye prevents light from bending and […]
Vision After 40
You may start noticing that your vision starts to change after the age of 40. You notice that the near print isn’t as clear or you try to hold your arms further away to make the near print more clear. These are all signs of Presbyopia What is presbyopia? Presbyopia is part of the normal […]
Do your eyelids get red and itchy? Do they get swollen, and feel heavy? You may be experiencing a very common eye condition called blepharitis. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids. Symptoms include dandruff looking flakes on the lashes, watery eyes, sensitivity to light, a burning sensation, and red, itchy and swollen eyelids. Blepharitis […]
Have you ever seen little black flies or strings in your vision? These are called eye floaters. You may just recently be noticing them, or have had them in your vision for several years. Eye floaters can appear like tiny black specks or cobwebs in your vision that appear in front of you but are […]
What are Prism Glasses?

Prism glasses can help with double vision and also after a traumatic brain injury (TBI)/concussion to help with balance, depth perception, and improve feedback. Prism glasses work by bending light rays that hit the retina and can therefore help correct the double vision. Yoked prisms shift images in both eyes in the same direction. This […]
Retinal Detachment

What is a retinal detachment? Retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the inside of an eye. A retinal detachment occurs when a part of the retina peels away from the eye. The underlying tissue no longer gets oxygen and nourishment to survive which can affect the vision permanently. What are the signs of […]
MiBo Thermoflo for Treatment of Dry Eye

If your eyes are painful, scratchy, red, watering, irritated or feel dry MiBo Thermoflo may offer relief. […]
Retinal Detachment
We rely on our eyes a lot every day. A detachment of the retina can be a scary eye condition to experience, but can be treatable if caught and treated early enough. Knowing and understanding the warning symptoms and signs is crucial to seeking early eye care and treatment. The retina is a thin layer […]
The Eye Series: The Ciliary Body
The ciliary body is a part of the eye and is involved in many functions of the eye. Small projections from the ciliary body, called ciliary processes, produce aqueous humor, which is a clear fluid that fills up the space between the cornea and the lens. From the ciliary body, cable-like structures called zonule fibres […]